The Finding Time Program

A 90-day step-by-step roadmap to creating a work/life balance that revitalizes your health, strengthens your relationships, and nourishes your inner wellbeing.


You’re here because…

There is never enough time in the day to get ahead of the things that matter most.

Your health is taking a hit from the stress and schedule of your work life.

You don’t spend enough quality time with those you love most.

You’ve lost a sense of who you are outside of working, or worse yet, the time you spend thinking about work.

You know you need a new schedule and a specific, sustainable plan to turn things around, but you don’t even know where to start.

Let me guess…

You’re worried that if you cut back on work, your income and professional standing will take a hit because of it.

You wonder how much of your life energy will be spent making a profit for someone else.

You have had plans to improve your health but they never last, regardless of how much you want to implement them. Those closest to you have mentioned their concern about your hours and stress because of the time you spend on the job, and hours you spend thinking about your job while you’re away.

You’ve promised yourself over and over that you will change things, but time keeps slipping by and you still end your days feeling the same way… unsatisfied and yearning for something different.

If so, you’re not alone. I’ve had clients come to me with new medical diagnoses or autoimmune conditions that keep worsening, but they don’t know how to take their adjust their schedule to take care of themselves without jeopardizing their work status.

Many clients come to me saying, “I know what I want, and I know how I want to feel, but I can’t seem to actually make it happen in my every day life. I’m an effective person, and I’ve wanted to make changes for years, but none of the changes I make ever stick.”

How would you feel if…

You had a schedule that gave you enough time for your health, dearest relationships, and your mental wellbeing without backtracking on your career? In fact, what if these changes actually made you even more successful?

You knew that you were taking the steps required to finally take care of and improve your health? (Yes, you can actually implement that exercise, meditation, or food prep plan for longer than one week. I promise.)

You finally took up that hobby you love but haven’t done in weeks, months, years? The one that makes you feel most like yourself, where you get to just be you and finally be in that creative state of flow. The one that reminds you of who you are when the outside world doesn’t get to bid on how you show up.

You spent time with your partner, family, or friends without feeling the need to check your phone or constantly be distracted by thoughts of work? Where the most interesting things you were sharing with your loved ones wasn’t about your career?

So the question is… “How do I create a life that gives me time for all of the things I want and love, that makes me feel like I’m in control of my day instead of chasing every task on my to-do list? How do I make my life feel like my own again?

In “Finding Time,” I’m going to show you exactly how. I’ve been there myself, and I’ve found the way out.

A few years ago, my career as a TV Executive Producer was thriving, yet inside I was suffering from chronic fatigue and autoimmunity, unfulfilling relationships, and feeling completely spiritually empty.

By reorienting specific patterns and making nuanced yet high impact scheduling adjustments, I healed my chronic fatigue and autoimmunity, found the love of my life and started a family, and centered my life around my sense of inner knowing and purpose. Yes, it is possible. And the Finding Time Program is your roadmap to your own success story.

You don’t reconfigure your life by throwing little fixes at the wall and seeing what sticks.

You know that success comes with a plan. Complex shifts require strategy.

This program is for you if…

You are an executive, leader, or a decision maker in your work.

You cannot find enough time in your schedule to get ahead, either with the smaller things in life, or the big things that you deeply yearn for.

You end your day feeling unsatisfied.

You’re tired of spending your precious life energy making a profit for someone else.

You’re an entrepreneur and the boundaries between your personal life and your work life have disintegrated from the pressure of being the sole person responsible for your success.

Your closest relationships have taken a hit from the amount of time you spend working and thinking about work.

You’ve let some of your favorite hobbies go because you simply don’t have the time or energy for them.

You want to take better care of your body but simply cannot stick to your plan, regardless of how strong your intentions are.

You’re ready to feel like your life belongs to you again.

If you are…

Ready to have a proven roadmap to follow and direct guidance to set up a schedule that actually allows you to get ahead on what truly makes you feel your best.

Ready to end your self-sabotage and instead finally take action for your own mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

Ready to stop chasing your to-do list and instead feel like you actually have enough time for what you’ve been missing.

Ready to finally take care of your mental wellbeing like the priority you know it needs to be.

Ready to reconnect with your body, your loved ones, and with your inner knowing.

Ready to finally tackle the limited beliefs that keep you shadowboxing your own sense of personal agency.

Ready to get the support and do what it takes to finally feel both balanced WITHOUT jeopardizing your sucess.

Then I invite you to join me in this 90 day transformational program.

In this highly supportive and personalized 1-on-1 coaching program, we’ll create the step-by-step roadmap to reconfiguring your life and schedule in a way that allows you to find more time and reconnect with what matters most to you. We’ll tackle your daily schedule, finding your blind spots and uncovering what patterns keep you stuck in the endless chase for more time and less stress.

Even more importantly, we’ll investigate how you got here, uncovering the systems of belief that have found their way into your way of being so you can truly detangle yourself from the ways you get stuck, which means you’ll actually be able to stick to your goals in a real and sustainable way. This program works because it illuminates not just how you function, but why you work this way. This is how real, lasting change is possible.

I’ll also teach you how I finally healed my body from stress-induced chronic disease, revived my spiritual practice, and how I truly got to know myself outside of work, which I believe is the foundation of real balance and empowerment. And I did this all without sacrificing my success, because when we are balanced, we are powerful.

I break everything down into simple yet highly impactful steps that will begin shifting your schedule and saving you time and from our very first session together.

Here’s what we’ll do through these 90 days…

  1. Scheduling: All Hands On Deck - We’ll do a serious deep dive on your daily, weekly, and monthly schedules, with shift that will create immediate results. Although we’ll tackle and fine-tune these each session, we prioritize this right away.

  2. Releasing What No Longer Serves You - Understanding the cultural, familial, and personal blindspots that have been invisibly guiding your choices without you knowing it.

  3. Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Identifying Key Goals - Getting clear on what you deeply yearn for and where and why you trip yourself up in the process.

  4. Discovering Inner Time and How Good It Can Be - Learn how time can actually work in your life and how satisfying it can feel when you stop chasing and start feeling abundant.

  5. Authenticity vs Belonging: Having Control Over Your Life - We get to the core of how and when you started sacrificing peace within yourself for a sense of control in your external world. (And btw, we all did it. No shame in this game. It’s part of being human. But at some point, it stops working for all of us.)

  6. Where the Rubber Meets the Road - How Your World Needs to Change - This goes bigger than your regular schedule; this is where we talk about the greater shifts you’re seeking in more expansive areas of your life, and how to protect yourself from the possible resistance you may encounter.

  7. Creating a Sustainable Future of Purpose and Joy - Incorporating all of the lessons of the prior sessions, we concretize your shifts with a roadmap for your greater future, with a plan that safeguards you from your familiar patterns when the unpredictable vicissitudes of life set in.

What all is included?

A 90 day results-driven coaching program:

  • A Personalized Work/Life Balance Roadmap: I will coach you to structure, build, and implement a new daily schedule, complete with unique tools and boundaries, in a way that is proven and strategically designed to create balance and spaciousness in your life.

  • One 30-minute kick-off call

  • Six 60-minute one-on-one video calls, typically scheduled every two weeks

  • Consistent Voxxer/WhatsApp and Email support between sessions to keep you on track with your schedule AND your goals

  • Lifetime Access to the 6 Finding Time Modules, Each Complete with Worksheets and Resources:

    • Module 1: Releasing What No Longer Serves You

    • Module 2: Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Identifying Key Goals

    • Module 3: Discovering Inner Time and How Good It Can Be

    • Module 4: Authenticity vs Belonging: Having Control Over Your Life

    • Module 5: Where the Rubber Meets the Road

    • Module 6: Creating a Sustainable Future of Purpose and Joy

PLUS these templates and resources that I personally have used to turn my relationship to my career, body, relationships, and spirit around:

  • Lifetime Access to All of My Previous Workshops - Topics include Sovereignty 101, How We’ve Lost Our Time, How to Open Up Your Spiritual Gifts, How to Stay Grounded and Out of Your Head, and How to Use Blocks as Initiations

  • Create the Life You Want - A Mindfulness Meditation Recording (I used this for years to realize and then actualize the life I wanted)

  • My Ultimate List - All of my favorite books, podcasts, poetry, and resources for the mind, body, spirit, and schedule! (This list is serious. It took me years to build and I treasure it still.)

  • A 30% discount off of an Omnia Membership - A subscription to monthly Nervous System Resets, Breathwork Ceremonies, Full and New Moon Rituals, plus over 30 Self-Paced Workshops available anytime - this one is an incredible pairing to the work we do together to help heal your nervous system and get in touch with your inner self

In just 90 Days You’ll…

Have a brand new schedule to work with, one that gives you time for what you love and for what you need.

Have insight as to why you’ve found yourself in this place of chasing your days, and a step-by-step plan on how to overcome the patterns that got you here.

Reconnect with the parts of you that you’ve lost to the endless hours of work and stressing about work.

Have a game-plan to take care of your health and restore your relationship to your body.

Know why your time has felt like its slipping away, and how to cultivate a sense of abundance.

Revitalize your relationships, especially with your newfound presence and focus.

Feel empowered in your choices and deeply centered within your sense of self.

Have a life that finally belongs to you again.

About Your Coach: Allison Mandell

Hi there! My mission is to help Executives and Decision Makers create work/life balance so they can find more time and revitalize their health, relationships, and inner wellbeing.

I believe that the foundation for a balanced life is a sense of deep inner belonging. When we are centered within ourselves, we become empowered.

And when we are empowered, we are irresistible.