Consulting & Workshops

Looking for 1 on 1 or Teams Executive Coaching?

Need someone to run a motivating workshop?

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Skillsets and Specialties:

  • Team Cohesion + Efficiency - Working with Teams to Dissolve Tension and Increase Productivity

  • Working with High Performers to Unblock their Impact and Potential (Specialty: Challenging Personalities)

  • Scheduling and Delivery Expectations in Project Management and Executive Teams

  • Potent Conflict Resolution Between Individuals and Teams in a Timely, Non-Judgmental Manner


  • Creating Work/Life Balance in Ways That Create Greater Wellbeing Without Compromising Success

  • Developing Emotional Intelligence and Deep Listening

  • Protecting and Strengthening Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health Amidst High Pressure Situations

Professional Bio:

Allison Mandell is an international Executive Coach and Teams Consultant, a Work/Life Balance and Scheduling Expert, and a former TV Executive Producer, Showrunner, and Director.

Through coaching services, consulting, and workshops, Allison helps companies and nonprofits move through the organizational dysfunctions that can block harmonious productivity, optimum performance (either on an individual or group level), and an enjoyable work experience where one can trust their coworkers and thrive in their specific job duties. She knows that when your work life feels ineffective, contentious, or stressful, it has an enormously negative impact on your life. Her specialty is identifying where the block exists, then tactfully working with all parties to create an environment and work structure where the potential of the individuals and the organization can be embodied. 

In workshops and one-on-one work, she helps executives and decision makers create work/life balance so they can find more time and revitalize their health, relationships, and inner wellbeing.

Allison has a BA in TV Media Production, 15 + years experience in executive leadership and television production making hit shows like Dancing with the Stars, Running Wild, and Master Chef, plus a whole list of renovation shows you've seen in a waiting room. She was one of the youngest Executive Producers in unscripted television, and is obsessed with helping people all around the world live lives of joy, health, and stability, all without jeopardizing their professional success. She believes you can in fact find equilibrium within your life without having to sell your belongings to start an off-grid alpaca farm. 

Let’s work together.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it Fate.

-Carl Jung

Recent Events + Podcasts:

  • Over 10 workshops on Eventbrite, attendance currently at over 1300 people

  • Microdosing Stories Podcast, Episode #20: Creating Without Burnout, Thriving Intentionality

  • Keynote Speaker for The 2024 Grounding Worldwide Summit, Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation

  • Keynote Speaker for The Self-Renewal Summit, 2023

  • Making Herstory Podcast: Allison Mandell

Workshops I Offer:

  • Finding Time: How to Create Work/Life Balance

  • Scheduling 101

  • Deep Listening and Emotional Intelligence

  • Do Not Disturb: Breaking Free From Your Screens

  • Healing the Body After Work Burnout

  • Blocks as Initiations : How to Move Through Setbacks

  • Cultivating Focus: A Primer on Reawakening Your Attention

  • How To Ground & Get Out of Your Head